Thursday 18 December 2014

Let's talk about the fatties

So let's face it. All of us look at fat people different. Even fat ones like me. I've had over 9 cumulative years of experience being a fat person in this world, and there's nothing more painful than knowing it every moment of your life and continuing to live to that way. 

There's all kinds of fat people. The moderately chubby ones, the ones you can call "fat", and morbidly obese ones, and everyone in between. But I look at it different. There's firstly those people who are fat, and are oblivious to it's ill effects on their health and life. Then there's those who are aware, but don't do a thing to change it. And then there are those who try. Some successfully, some repeatedly failing, but not giving up.

But no matter what kind of fat person one is, it is never okay to shame them and put them down all their life just for being fat. And no, I'm not saying this for morals and ethics, I'm saying this because -
Firstly. The ones who are trying, need to know that they gotta keep on, and that as long as health isn't compromised, it's okay to look however you do, it's nobody's business to try to change that.
Secondly. There's an entire chunk of overweight people who need motivation, guidance, and the right influence. Having been fat all my life, I say this with experience, that each time I would pick up an extra helping of food, and my sister made a mean comment about how I'm expanding in size and how ugly I'm turning and how I'll always remain ugly, it only made me sadder, angrier, or wanting to eat more. Agreed, a section of population need tough behavior on them for them to change. But the majority of overweight people are, you must understand, emotional eaters, habitual compulsive eaters, or stress eaters or whatever. Making them upset, insulting them repetitively, and breaking them down is definitely not the solution!

Do you think we don't know? We don't already have trouble looking at ourselves in the mirror, posing beside our thin peers in photographs or going dress shopping only to return back empty handed as nothing that fits you looks good?
We do.
But yes, I know it is necessary to be strict. But not in the manner I have experienced in my life.

Throughout my school life, I had zero, yes, zero male friends. And no, it's not because no one found me attractive or whatever. Before the age of 12-13 boys didn't even care as much about who's physically hot and who's not. That was the main reason beyond seventh grade though.  Before that, it was chiefly cuz the popular (which just means thin) girls at school hated us. Hating on fatties like me enough to influence the boys too. I don't know where the cycle of worship begins, whether boys run behind the thin girls first, or they target they, target the boys first, I don't know. But either way, everyone knows this is how it goes. The kids who weren't popular too, wanted to fit in so only wanted to befriend the popular ones, who, never really cared about em anyway. Like we needed anymore mechanisms to form individuals with low self esteem -_-

Back to topic. In the ending years of school, I lost weight. A lot of it. Suddenly everything was so different. Not only because of my improved body image, but because everyone treated me brand new. It's another thing to be complimented and admired for the achievement that is the weight loss, and another thing to suddenly be approached by the same boys who previously called me "annoying", "attitude-y" (yes that's a thing in Mumbai.) or "loser" [note how none of these are related to my physical self, and nothing else about me changed but my weight].
I may sound highly sadistic, but it was always a fantasy of mine to lose weight and turn down all them shallow boys who hated me when I was fat and deserved a dose of their own medicine. I never did that though lol I ain't really evil.
When all the hate for anyone who isn't slim enough to pull off tiny dresses and crop tops without bulging fat, begins so early at school level itself, I am never surprised to see it all around when I'm all grown up.

Just to be clear, I know exactly all the manifestations of being overweight or obese, and why it is necessary to control body weight and body fat percentage. I just demand some humanity added to the reform procedure. 

What is beyond me is, when we treat fat people so harshly if they're unhealthy, why don't we do the same with skinny people? why is that acceptable? FYI, neither is. According to me they may be both unhealthy, but health is not purely determined by physical appearance of a person and that is something everybody needs to understand.

FYI, I eat healthy and exercise everyday. I am yet fat. I'm not saying it isn't my fault,  it is. I sleep 4-5 hours on good nights, overeat often, and had a couple knee injuries disabling me recently. But i give you this, my heart is healthier and my body fitter than, I'd say 80% people my age, although I am huge. Sucks. Sadly it's the physical looks that's visible externally so I cannot stop people from judging me. That's okay. What annoys me though, is that there's an entire chunk of the population I'll never be friends with cuz I'm fat, and for that, it is the mass thought dysfunction to blame.

I also want to add, that, for the record, the best way to get a fat person you care about on the healthy path, is by giving explanations and information and helping them see the benefits of living healthy,  and most of all, try to understand them, cuz most people won't. Everyone's reasons are different, and generalizing all fat people and putting them down, is not just horrible on your part, it is also a step backwards for all of those who want to better themselves, or, simply be accepted for what they are. I personally believe, that if it's not okay for me to insult you cuz I'm smarter, nicer or taller than you are, it is not okay for you to insult me cuz I'm fatter than you are.

Let's all just pursue good health. And whatever else you want. 

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